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Reimagining Roblox's Talent Hub for the Mobile Experience

Product Design
Design Systems


During my internship I:
  • redesigned the Talent Hub platform to be optimized for mobile and touch screens
  • suggested UX changes for desktop
  • set the foundation for the mobile browser web design system


As the product design intern, I was the sole designer on the Talent Hub team. My main project was redesigning the mobile flows, but I also provide design consulting on various other projects.
May - Aug 2022
3 months
Roblox HQ
San Mateo, CA
Mentor – Sony Verma, PM – Anant Agrawal
Engineers – Arthur Chen, Jeanine Chang, Shengping Yao, Xu Chi


What is Talent Hub?

Talent Hub has two main user flows: 
  1. users can search for job postings that they want apply to
  2. users looking to hire can also directly search for creator profiles that they may want to reach out to
The platform also has an inbox where all applications and messages are sent.
Talent Hub is a browser based platform launched by Roblox in 2019.

The Problem

Mobile was Unusable

When the product launched, mobile was not supported. However, creators cited that the mobile state of Talent Hub was one of the top reasons they did not use the platform.
The pages were built for desktop and did not function on mobile.

Timeline and Metrics

Setting up for Success

In order to complete a near-full redesign in three months, I had to come up with a realistic timeline that covered all the most important bases. I sorted the pages by severity and importance, then created a sprint-based timeline.
The last step before I could start designing was making sure we can measure the success of the designs. By working with product and data science to we were able to implement metrics that would track usage and retention on mobile.
I had four sprints to tackle all the issues I had identified.

Sprint One

Searching and Filtering

For the first pass, I kept the functionality the same and merely scaled down the UI to fit mobile screens. This way, I could look past the superficial engineering bugs and begin identifying UX pain points.
Identifying pain points.
In particular, I had trouble figuring how to allow users to toggle between Creator Search and Job Search.

My first instinct was to use a tab bar. However, I realized that users didn't need to switch views often and that this design wasn't able to accomodate for more categories. After some valuable feedback, I went back to the drawing board for alternative solutions.
Iterate, iterate, and iterate some more!
To solve this problem, I realized we could bring this element from a navigational element down to a filter-level toggle.
An aha moment!

Final Redesign

Homepage Prototype

After some internal user testing I was able to validate some design decisions and had a working hifi prototype to give engineering!

Next Step

Repeating the Process

Below is a brief overview of some of other pages I redesigned as well. I was able to redesign all of the major pages during the three months!

Sprint Two

Applying to a Job

Since job postings tend to be text heavy, I focused on readability and easy access to action buttons to avoid unecessary scrolling.

Sprint Three

Inbox Flow

Inbox had many different states and needed to be able to cater well to applicants and employers.



  1. I had to balance optimizing for mobile and straying too far from desktop
  2. Inherited UX problems from desktop
  3. Work with a design system not meant for mobile screen sizes


  1. Keep all stakeholders updated! A quick sync can save weeks of work/misunderstanding
  2. How to design to scale
  3. Advocate for design changes even if it was not in the original scope
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